Code300-32 - Real Multitasking
With Code300-32 you are able to open as much decoding modules and tools as necessary really at the same time. The new 32bit multitasking version makes it very easy:

The screen shot shows a ALE station together with a SKYFAX signal on the right channel Connected to left channel Baudot and Universal Demodulator. The spectrum analyzer shows the ALE signal

The screen shot shows a ALE station together with a MIL188-110 39 tone signal. In background an oscillocsope screen running on channel B

Another nice combination: HFDL on channel A, BAUDOT with WX code on channel B, the oscilloscope shows the input signal of channel B

Pactor II on the left channel and Mil 188-141-A (ALE) together with a MIL 188110 Serial
The spectrum analyzer show the ALE signal. Do you need any more ?